"Teleflora's floral fairy tale"
For Teleflora Serbia your wedding is a magic moment inspired by your personality, sensitivity and your lifestyle

Teleflora Serbia  will prepare the flower arrangements per your wish for all details at your wedding .

Adriana Lima for Teleflora

 Whether it is Valentines, anniversary or her birthday you can make memorable romantic surprise. Teleflora is your ally in sending to beloved one your love even across the world.

Send flower arrangements of unique design and  Teleflora  will deliver your romantic surprise on scheduled day.

One of the most amazing arrangements at Teleflora is a bathtub with flowers & candles that they will decorate for you. Ideal for Valentines or anniversaries, isn't it? A perfect combination of luxury & romance.

Live a romantic dream as seen in movies. It's something she will never forget...

Red roses are never mistake

Book your order now and give a surprise she will never forget.

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