Burj Al Arab offers 24-carat Gold iPad to guests

Burj Al Arab offers 24-carat Gold iPad to guests

Known as "the only seven star hotel in the world", the Burj al Arab has decided to offer guests a true golden hello, providing them each with a 24-carat plated iPad for the duration of their stay.
 The iPads were designed exclusively for the Burj Al Arab by bespoke luxury brand Gold & Co. London, infamous for their gold-plated technology products, who engraved the iPads with the hotel’s logo. Gold & Co. London and the Burj Al Arab teamed up for a month in October 2012 to create a rose-gold iPad in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but this venture is at the Burj Al Arab to stay.
Guests are offered the gold plated iPads when they check into the hotel, and can use them to browse hotel services, menus and guest information. The Burj Al Arab is the first hotel to offer the Interactive Customer Experience (ICE) software on an iPad – meaning guests can use the iPad as a concierge.

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